We’re better than you at YouTube Advertising

Time to hop on the Tube. Reach potential customers when they watch or search for videos on YouTube.

TopClick are those specialists.
YouTube is the second-biggest search engine after Google.
With 1.9 billion active users, and 50 million people uploading 576,000 hours of video every day, YouTube has become a must-be-there marketplace for businesses worldwide.
As the channel continues to grow – reaching more of the coveted 18-49 year-old market than any other form of media – YouTube video ads offer the opportunity to build brand awareness, capture clicks, and drive demand on an unprecedented scale.
Never has there been a better time to enlist the help of a YouTube marketing specialist to ensure your business makes the most of this opportunity.
Over the years – as YouTube has evolved, and its advertising platform has become ever more intricate – Top Click has helped scores of small businesses drive sales and site traffic through targetted YouTube ads.
We help you set up, run and monitor the following types of ads:

TrueView ads
These ads play before a video. Viewers have the option of skipping the ad after 5 seconds. You are only charged for the ad if a viewer watches at least 30 seconds (or the full ad if it’s shorter than 30 seconds), or engages with your video via click-through links/call-to-action (CTA) overlays. This ensures your ad spend is directed only at interested customers.

These ads show above the Youtube search results and suggested videos sidebar. They consist of an image thumbnail and a few lines of text. Clicking the ad will take the viewer to the video ad itself.

Non-skippable Instream Ads
These ads play in the middle of a video instead of the beginning. They are between 15 and 20 seconds and cannot be skipped. You pay a fee per thousand views. We make sure your ad gets in front of the right audience.

Bumper Instream Ads
These non-skippable video ads play before a video and are less than six seconds long. You pay a fee per thousand views. We make sure your ad gets in front of the right audience.

Sponsored Card Ads
These ads appear within videos as small call-to-action (CTA) pop-ups. A small ‘I’ appears in the upper right-hand corner of a video and expands when a viewer clicks on it.

Overlay Ads
These are banner ads positioned along the bottom of videos.

Display Ads
These ads appear in the right-hand sidebar above the suggested videos list.
Benefits of partnering with TopClick
Expanded Awareness
Introduce your product to a whole new audience. We help you target people interested in related products to help you maximise engagement and optimise your ad spend.
Boosted Sales
Win over potential customers on a large scale with ads formulated and targeted to reach the right people. Nudge viewers to take action and buy your product/services, and take sales to a whole new level.
Increased Loyalty
Invite your audience to discuss your products/services in your videos and demonstrate to potential customers the superiority of your brand.